HOMEPAGE >> PRODUCT >>Instrument >> Plasma Sputtering Coater
Product Detail

Plasma Sputtering Coater


It is widely used in SEM sample preparation or metal coating test by two-stage sputtering. High temperature plasma sputtering process is adopted and the coating is not easy to be damaged. The small plasma sputtering instrument uses PLC control system, all touch screen operation, easy to learn to use. This type of instrument is also equipped with a rotating sample table, which can effectively improve the uniformity of the coating.

VoltageAC220V, 50Hz
Chamber materialHigh Purity Quartz
Chamber sizeφ180mm X 210mm  
Plasma sputtering target gun2 inchx2
Cooling modeWater cooling
Cover material304 stainless steel
Sample tableφ60mm;
adjustable in 60mm-100mm
Evaporation sourceTungsten basket/Tungsten boat
ThermocoupleType B thermocouple, working temperature 200 ℃ ~ 1500 ℃
Vacuum gaugeResistance vacuum gauge

4/F, Poly JiuYueHui, Jiulongpo Dist, Chonqing City of China
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    • 13388961477
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